Tibberton School Parents’ & Teachers’ Association would like to welcome you all. Everyone who has a child at Tibberton School is automatically a member of our PTA.

The PTA Constitution is available from the school office on request.

An Annual General Meeting takes place at the beginning of each school year in September when the officers and committee members are elected. Termly Open Meetings are held and all parents are entitled and welcome to attend.

Although a comparatively small school, we manage to raise, through various functions and events, a considerable amount for our school. These events take place throughout the year and include a Family Bingo Event, Cinema Night and Christmas Wreath-making, but the major fund raiser is the annual School Fete in June which is a real community event.

All funds raised go towards providing extra equipment for the benefit of all the children at the school. Offers of help and any new ideas are always greatly appreciated.

Sign up using our unique link and when you raise your first £5, #easyfundraising will match it!