Although Tibberton CE Primary is a small village school, we are outward looking and keen to promote our curriculum intent, “Where can Tibberton take you?”
As such, educational visits and special learning experiences are woven into the curriculum offer to provide all pupils with memorable experiences and contexts for learning. An element of fun is essential to secure engagement, but we always find our Tibberton pupils are keen for new experiences and bring great enthusiasm and some tricky questions to the venues we visit.
We often include our pupils in the decision making about educational visits and visitors, involving them in the planning and preparations.
All learning experiences here at Tibberton CE Primary, whether in class, outdoors, off- site, day to day or part of an extended visit, are experiential, active and in a context to ensure maximum engagement, maximum learning. Working together, achieving success.
Visits in the last twelve months have included frequent visits to the nearby Chetwynd Deer Park for all year groups including the opportunity to participate in pond dipping, habitat studies and photography competitions.