Where a class, group or a small number of pupils need to self-isolate, or local restrictions require pupils to remain at home, Tibberton CE Primary School has developed the capacity to offer immediate remote education, as required by national government guidelines, within the resources and capability of the school and its staff.
Tibberton CE Primary School will ensure remote education, where needed, is high-quality and aligns as closely as possible with in-school provision.
Here at Tibberton CE Primary School, we have built on the high- quality online offer developed during the summer 2020 lockdown. The basis for this is the online platform, Seesaw, which enables pupils to share their work with teachers, modelled working and stories can be shared, teachers can respond to pupil work and parents have their own access to ask questions of teachers. Feedback from parents and pupils during lockdown and the response of pupils to tasks (18000+ uploads of pupil work from 145 children during the lockdown period) shows that this medium is highly effective in engaging and supporting pupils and their parents and carers to maintain good learning.
Remote Education Offer
Should there be a requirement for pupils to access remote education, as an individual, bubble or whole school, the offer will closely match the class-based offer with selective use of resources such as Department for Education recommended Oak National Academy, supplemented with teacher-based resources which mirrors the carefully planned and sequenced school curriculum.
In their planning, staff will identify the remote learning offer alongside the regular face to face lessons. All parents and carers will receive an up to date class newsletter which identifies the learning themes for each subject, including the foundation subjects, in order that they have an overview of the learning during the half term. This will be particularly useful for those parents and pupils who need to access the remote learning offer. In order to ensure the remote offer is of similar quality to the face to face sessions, staff will offer recorded sessions to demonstrate key points of learning such as mathematical calculation strategies and modelled reading. Staff will include clear explanations, scaffolded practice where needed, opportunities to apply and embed new knowledge or skills and provide feedback to pupils on their progress.
Pupils in the early stages of their formal education are likely to have needs which will require a more personalised programme of tasks and feedback. The focus here will be particularly on phonics and early reading where staff will direct parents and carers to online resources to support the phases in the Little Wandle learning approach, alongside information to offer guidance to supervising adults when practising phonic sounds or sharing books. Staff will direct families to online resources where stories are read and books shared including Bug Club, alongside some staff reading favourite class stories for pupils to enjoy at any time.
Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities will require specific approaches tailored to their needs and circumstances in line with individual pupil plans. Staff will maintain contact with parents of pupils with Education and Health Care Plans to ensure the most appropriate tasks and feedback is in place. Where appropriate, staff will offer remote 1:1 sessions for these pupils.
Staff will ensure weekly phone calls to parents and carers of the most vulnerable pupils.
In all cases, teaching staff at Tibberton CE Primary know their pupils well and have engaged with parents and carers to discuss pupil needs. Staff and support staff will ensure the tasks reflect the needs of the pupils and are appropriately scaffolded where required, much as would happen in the classroom.
Access to technology and connectivity
Pupils cannot attempt remote learning if they do not have access to a device and adequate connectivity. Tibberton CE Primary School will check with parents that pupils do have the required technology and connectivity and will follow the national government guidelines to support those who do not.
PE and sport
Keeping active and taking part in exercise regularly is a necessary part of maintaining good mental and physical health.
As the school did in lockdown, we will continue to offer ideas to support pupils engaging in PE at home through the timetable and Seesaw.
Good pupil mental health and wellbeing is key to ensuring pupils can engage with any learning. We will continue to support through or PSHE lessons and the timetable. Regular contact between staff, pupils and parents/carers will enable opportunities to share any worries or concerns.
Remote worship will be updated weekly with opportunities for pupils to reflect on big questions in faith along with Christian school values and daily prayers.