We are very proud of our school, its staff, our children and their achievements.
The hard work and dedication of our staff and pupils were rewarded in 2024 by the results of our Ofsted inspection.
If you would like to read more about our qualities and strengths, then you can do so in our most recent Ofsted and SIAS reports. The link below takes you to our reports on the relevant websites:
Tibberton School Ofsted Report
SIAMS Report December 2017
If you’d like to see our full statistics, you can visit our page on the Department for Education website.
The school and college performance tables can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/statistics-performance-tables
End of Key-stage 2 headlines:
Our KS2 results for the academic year 2022/23:
Maths – 84% at expected level with 44% at greater depth
Reading – 84% at expected level with 56% at greater depth
Writing – 76% at expected level with 32% at greater depth
Grammar, punctuation and spelling – 80% at expected level with 40% at greater depth