General School Information
The school gates open every day at 8:40m.
Registration is held between 8:45am and 8:50am ready for lessons to start promptly.
The school gates are shut at 8:45am. Children should be brought round to the school office if they are late so that parents can sign them in and to ensure the appropriate mark is given on the school attendance register.
The school day ends at 3:15pm.
The total attendance time for the week is 32.5 hours.
KS1 children are only released by their teacher when the appropriate adult is on the playground. KS2 children are released onto the playground where you should be waiting for your child. There may be occasions when, due to circumstances beyond your control, you may be late for the end of school. Please ensure you inform the school office if this is the case and if you have changed your collection arrangements.
An after school arrangement sheet is sent out to each child at the start of the academic year. On this sheet, parents and carers can notify school of their usual after school arrangements. This includes if a child is able to walk home on their own (KS2 only) and names of other relatives or friends who may be collecting their child.
If your child will be absent from school, you must inform us of their absence before 9:30am on each day that they are absent. If pupils are absent and school has had no message from parents/carers, a member of staff will make a telephone call home to establish the reason for the absence and to ensure the pupil’s safety.
Holidays are not authorised in term time by the Headteacher unless under exceptional circumstances. A holiday request form can be obtained from the office and can also be found on the school website.
All of our uniform (excluding shirts/blouses/trousers/dresses) is kept in stock at school. Please call into the office if you need an order form or you can download one from the school website.
Children should wear:
• Grey trousers, grey shorts, grey skirt or grey pinafore dress (blue/white small check dress in summer)
• White shirt or blouse
Please note that Reception children and Year 1’s can wear a white polo shirt if they prefer
• Burgundy Sweatshirt or burgundy cardigan (with the school logo)
• Burgundy/blue striped tie – from Year 2 only
• Black shoes
PE Kit
• Light blue t-shirt with the school logo
• White or black shorts
• Burgundy, black or navy blue plain joggers
• School PE jumpers are available
• Suitable pumps or trainers for outdoor use – indoor PE activities in the hall are carried out in bare feet
Cloakroom space is restricted throughout school. For all sports kits please use the burgundy drawstring bags which are available to purchase from school, as are the book bags which fit into the children’s classroom drawers.
Hair longer than shoulder length must be tied back.
The only items of jewellery allowed in school are basic watches (no smart watches) and small studs for pierced ears. For safety all items must be removed for PE. If ear studs cannot be removed, they must be covered with plasters.
Verrucas must be covered entirely with a suitable plaster dressing for PE and a swim sock must be worn for swimming sessions.
Please ensure that all items of clothing and bags are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Breaks and Lunchtime
Morning break is from 10:25am to 10:45am.
Fruit is provided for all KS1 children as part of the Government Fruit scheme to promote healthy eating. All children are able to bring a healthy snack in for break if they wish.
It is important that children have plenty to drink during the day so we ask that you provide your child with a named water bottle for them to use throughout the day. This is in addition to the drink you may provide in their lunchboxes. Fizzy and sugary drinks are not allowed.
Lunch is from 11.55pm to 12:50pm (Early Years & KS1) and 12:15pm to 1:10pm (KS2).
Currently, all KS1 pupils (Reception to Year 2) are entitled to a free school dinner as part of the Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM) scheme. Parents & Carers may be eligible to claim free school meals for any aged child if they meet certain criteria.
Further details can be found on:
Parents and carers can send their child in with their own packed lunch or choose to have hot dinner provided by school. KS2 school meals are chargeable.
When a child joins Tibberton, parents and carers will be asked to fill in a number of forms including a dietary requirement section. This ensures the onsite kitchen staff know which children have certain dietary needs such intolerances or allergies. If there is any change to your child’s dietary requirements, please inform the school office as soon as possible so we can pass this information on.
Medical Appointments and Medication
Non-urgent medical and dental appointments should be made out of school hours or during the holidays. If you do have an appointment during the school day and need to collect your child, please inform school prior to the day of the appointment. Parents and carers should provide evidence of medical and dental appointments.
Children should be collected from and brought to the school office before and after appointments so that the parent/carer can sign the child in/out of school. This ensures the child’s attendance mark is accurately recorded.
We are only allowed to administer medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor and which have to be taken 4 times a day. Parents are encouraged to schedule their child’s medication so that they don’t need a dose during the school day. For example, a child who is on antibiotics to be taken 3 times a day can usually take all 3 doses outside school hours.
If, however, your child does need medication during school hours the following guidelines must be followed:
• Any prescribed medicine must be supplied to the school in the original container labelled by the pharmacist with the name of the medicine, full instructions for use and the name of the pupil
• Any non-prescribed medicine bought by the family should be in the original container bearing the manufacturer’s instruction/guidelines. The school may refuse to administer any medicines supplied in inappropriate containers.
• An appropriate adult must bring any medicine into the school office where a ‘Parental Agreement to Administer Medicine’ form must be completed and signed. Children should not keep medication in their school bag. At the end of the school day, any medicine that needs to be returned home must be collected by an adult from the school office.
If your child suffers from asthma, you will need to supply the school with a spare inhaler which will be kept in the child’s classroom. You will also need to complete an asthma care plan form. School does have a spare inhaler in case of an emergency.
If your child requires the use of an Epi-pen, please make sure you inform office staff as soon as possible. You will also need to provide the school with 2 spare Epi-pens – one will be kept in your child’s classroom and one will be kept in the first aid draw in the staff room where all staff can access it. All staff receive annual training on the use of Epi-pens.
A weekly newsletter is sent out every Friday and this will contain information on upcoming events, diary dates and other important news.
We communicate almost all of our information with parents and carers via Parentmail or Seesaw. All new starters will receive the sign-up sheet in their ‘new starter’ pack. Any other information will be posted on the school website or handed out to the children on a letter or form.
We hope that the information provided has been useful and reassuring and we look forward to welcoming you and your child into our school community. If you have any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school office via email or by calling us on 01952 387790.
School Nurse Presentation
A school readiness talk from Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust can be found by following the link: