Our Vision, Values & Mission
Our Vision
“Being the best we can be, because with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)
Working together, we will create a joyous, purposeful learning community that enables children to achieve personal success, demonstrate core Christian values and life skills necessary to make a positive contribution to the local and global community. “Older pupils are role models to the younger children” (Ofsted, May 2024).
Our Values
Christian Values are at the heart of our school and shape how we learn and treat each other. This ensures a sense of common purpose and mutual respect within our whole school community. Our Christian character impacts upon the achievement of each child in its widest sense, including the academic and personal development of all learners, together with their well-being and spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
“Pupils show understanding of other world religions, and respect views different to their own. As one pupil said, ‘We are all equal here’.” Ofsted, May 2024.

At Tibberton we have selected six core Christian values.
Be Compassionate and climb on the roof … (Luke 5:17-39)
Be Thankful and say it, mean it, show it …(Luke 17:11-19)
Be Friendly and give your robe …(1 Samuel 18 verse 4 – 20)
Be Honest and grow taller …(Luke 19:1-10)
Be Forgiving and open your arms …(Luke 15:11-32)
Be Courageous and step out of the boat …(Matthew 14:22-33)
… because with God all things are possible.
Each half term we focus on a particular value through our assemblies and worship to help children explore what they represent. Along side our six core values, we look at other linked values which support them.
Our Mission
Our mission will be driven by our vision, Christian values and learning habits. We will:
- Instil a sense of thankfulness and wonder at God’s creation which nurtures a desire to learn and care for people and the environment.
- Ensure collective worship is a central part of our school community, contributing towards the spiritual development of both children and adults.
- Promote the highest standards of teaching and learning, with excellent leadership.
- Develop and maintain a constructive, purposeful and aspirational school environment in which high expectations of Christian behaviour and conduct allow all members of our community to work together, learn, grow, achieve and succeed.
- Encourage children to be courageous and have the confidence to achieve their full God given potential.
- Help pupils and adults to develop lifelong learning habits so that they can contribute successfully to their local community and navigate an increasingly complex national and global community.
- Be a Christian community where there are strong, caring friendships and relationships based on honesty, kindness and mutual respect, demonstrated through courtesy, forgiveness and compassion.
- Provide support for the positive mental health and wellbeing of our children and staff so that all feel respected and valued and do not lose heart when facing the challenges of school and the wider world.
- Be inclusive, celebrating diversity and valuing all religions, faiths, cultures and backgrounds.
Our children have told us what qualities they would like in the adults who work with them. They have said:
“Firm but fair, gives second chances, explains things well and is understanding.
Help those who are struggling, a good multi-tasker, committed, organised, has special talents, a problem-solver and a role-model.
Happy, nice, helpful, approachable, calm but strict when someone does something wrong.
Smiley, will think about our work and help us improve and praises us.
Is forgiving, can have fun, be unexpected, include what they love and what we love in lessons, be honest and positive!”
Pupil Voice Council and Tibberton Safety Team May 2019
We seek to promote our six core Christian values of compassion, thankfulness, friendship, honesty, forgiveness and courage. We believe these help to prepare our children for a successful and fulfilling life, being:
- considerate and respectful with excellent manners
- confident, happy, independent and self-motivated
- co-operative and collaborative
- generous and trustworthy
- hopeful, self-respecting and wise.
- resilient, hardworking and determined
- highly principled with moral, spiritual, cultural and social awareness, including shared British Values.
In their May 2024 visit, Ofsted found that “the expectations of pupils learning have been raised significantly”.
We also look to support our families, and the community, through what’s called ‘early Help’. This can be signposting an external agency who can support, such as Crisis Support or BeeU, or offering subsidised wrap around care for your children. One great charity who it’s worth reaching out to is Christians Against Poverty, or CAP:
Other ways we can help:
A judgement-free listening ear- we also make a good cup of tea!
Friendly advice
Offering a helping hand with form-filling or reading complex documents relating to you and your family
Maintaining a supportive relationship with you and your child
Supporting you at appointments to get more specialist help and advice.
We are parents too, and have had our own experiences at home as well as at school, and love to help others- just reach out.