Class 3

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Mrs Eden

Welcome to Class 3

Spelling Letter

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Re: Changes to Spelling Practice at Home 

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you of a change in our approach to spelling practice in Upper Key Stage 2. As part of our continued efforts to enhance students’ spelling skills, we have made the decision to no longer send the ‘Look, Cover, Write, Check’ sheets home. 

Our aim is to provide a more focused and systematic approach to spelling practice. Instead, your child will be given a weekly spelling list, along with the relevant spelling rule or pattern to learn and apply in different ways. This approach aligns with the requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum in England, ensuring that our students receive a robust and comprehensive education in spelling. 

By providing a spelling list accompanied by a spelling rule, we believe that children will gain a deeper understanding of spelling patterns and develop broader strategies for learning new words. This approach encourages them to apply their knowledge in a broader context, strengthening their spelling proficiency and overall literacy skills. 

To support your child’s spelling practice, we recommend the following approaches: 

  1. Regular Study: Encourage your child to devote regular time each day to practicing the week’s spelling list. Consistent practice will promote retention and help build a strong foundation in spelling. 
  1. Word Games: Engage your child in fun and interactive word games that incorporate the spelling rule. This could include creating wordsearches, playing Scrabble, or engaging in online spelling activities. 
  1. Contextual Use: Encourage your child to use the words from the spelling list in their written work. This will help reinforce their understanding of the spelling rule and develop their ability to apply it within a wider context. 
  1. Spelling Strategies: Teach your child various spelling strategies, such as encoding, mnemonics, or visual associations, to enhance their spelling skills. These techniques can be especially beneficial for children who may find spelling more challenging. 

By adopting these strategies, we believe your child will not only improve their spelling but also develop valuable study skills and a love for language. As always, we encourage you to actively support your child’s spelling practice and provide opportunities for them to apply their learning in everyday situations. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this new approach to spelling practice, please do not hesitate to contact the school office. We are more than happy to provide additional guidance and support. 

Thank you for your ongoing support and collaboration in your child’s education. Together, we can foster a strong foundation in spelling and empower our students in their linguistic journey. 


See previous messages & posts

Class 3 is a mixed year 2 and year 3 class. This class is taught by Mrs Eden.


Useful Information

Spellings will be sent home on a Tuesday. Spelling activities to assess spellings will take place on a Friday each week. Please practise your spellings every day at home on the sheet provided which is sent home on a Tuesday. Remember to complete the word collecting task and writing sentences using your spelling words too.

Maths homework will be sent home each Thursday which will focus on the skills being learnt in class.

House-points and reward time will be awarded for completing your homework and reading regularly at home.


Pupils will be continuing to learn and revisit place value, addition and subtraction as part of their maths starters. This term, Year 3 will be focusing on shape, mass, capacity and fractions.  Year 2’s will be focusing on multiplication, division, mass, capacity and temperature. Practising your times table facts at home will really help throughout the year.


In our English lessons, we will be learning different ways to help us write exciting narratives and interesting non-fiction pieces. This term, we will begin by creating a persuasive letter inspired by ‘The Wellington Cobbler and the Wrekin Giant.’


In Year 2, children will be focusing on increasing and applying their phonics knowledge using Little Wandle. In Year 3, we will be reading daily in class in our VIPERS sessions, covering a range of genres including a text inspired by volcanoes. Children will read individually throughout the term and periodically to assess their book band level. It would be great if you could listen to your child at home every day. Please ensure that your child’s reading book and diary are sent into school every day.


Our main humanities topic this term is focused around Geography. We will be finding out local landmarks near us as well as map reading skills.


Please can Class 3 wear their P.E kits and suitable sports footwear to school on Mondays and Wednesdays. As the weather becomes warmer, children may want to wear shorts. If the forecast is hot and sunny, please apply sun cream before school and provide a hat and water bottle every day. Please could children also bring a  waterproof coat to school now that the weather is getting colder.

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Weekly homework in Class 3

Children will receive spellings on a Monday to be practised throughout the week in school and at home. On a Friday they complete a task to assess how well they are remembering the spellings.

The home learning activities around spellings are attached below and should be completed each week. Homework should be posted on Seesaw for marking or brought into school by Friday.

The children are expected to read their school reading book every day at home with at least three entries in their reading journal each week. Reading takes place in school every day in different forms, but it is really important that your child brings their reading book to school every day please.

Practising multiplication facts is very important in lower key stage 2. Year 3s will start by revisiting the x2, x5 and x10 tables and then working on x3 and x4 during the first term. Once secure with these, they will progress to x6 and x8 facts and gradually learn all of the facts up to 12×12. In Year 4 it is very important to become fluent with all of the multiplication facts and the pupils will complete a national multiplication check assessment towards the end of Year 4.

Home Learning

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Spelling Ideas

Ways to make learning spellings more fun.

Ordering letters

Giving children the letters from their chosen spelling words and challenging them to arrange them into the correct order is a great way to help familiarise them with the spellings. Depending on whether they are in lower KS2 or upper KS2, you may wish to only provide the letters contained in the word, or a range of letters the children must pick from. Here are a couple of fun ways to do this:

Provide children with letter tiles and challenge them to order the letters into the correct spelling. Scrabble tiles are great for this or you can use these free downloadable letter tiles.

Give each child a sheet of A4 paper displaying one letter from a particular word. Can the children arrange themselves so that the word is spelled correctly?

Make it memorable!

Many KS2 children find it very helpful to have visual guides or other devices to help them with tricky spellings and homophones, such as this visual guide to the ever-problematic ‘there, they’re, their’:


Another great spelling activity to help make tricky words memorable is to create mnemonics. Some mnemonics take each letter in a word and assign a new word to each letter to make the spelling more memorable. For example:

BECAUSE: Big Elephants Cause Accidents Under Smaller Elephants.

RHYTHM: Rhythm Has Your Two Hips Moving

Word games

Playing word games is a great KS2 spelling activity that will have them reinforcing words without them even realising they are working!

Boggle: create a 3×3 grid by muddling up the letters from any 9-letter word on a spelling list, such as ‘important’, ‘existence’, ‘guarantee’, ‘vegetable’ or ‘neighbour’. Challenge children to find as many words as they can from the nine letters (using each letter only once per word), with the added challenge of finding the nine-letter word.

Making word searches

Spelling Art

See previous spellings

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Class 3 Newsletter Autumn 2
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Class 3 Autumn Newsletter
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Healthy Lifestyles Week ~ Making healthy snacks
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Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.

Class Showcase
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Class 3 Newsletter Autumn 2
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Class 3 Autumn Newsletter
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Healthy Lifestyles Week ~ Making healthy snacks