Class 2

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Mrs Taylor

Welcome to Class 2

Class 2 is a mixed year 1 and 2 class taught by Mrs Taylor.

Meet the teacher!

“We liked digging for worms in the soil, the soil is the worms habitat.” Rosie W and Faye

“We loved writing our adjectives on post-it-notes and placing them around the room, it was fun!” – Phoebe W

“ I love maths because I get to learn what makes different numbers.” – Darcy

“I like to use the counters in maths, they help me.” – Louis


For year 2 children these will be sent home on a Monday. Spelling activities to assess spellings will take place on a Friday each week. Please practise your spellings every day at home in the book provided which is sent home on a Monday. Please complete the word collecting task and writing sentences using your spelling words too. Spelling games will also be available on EdShed, use your child’s login to access these.


Year 1 will bring home a Little Wandle phonics consolidation on a Friday. These activities reinforce the learning that has taken place during the week.

Remember that there is a Parent Section on the Little Wandle website that can be accessed to support your child’s learning.


Year 2 take part in our reading VIPERS sessions, covering a range of genres including, an information text, a fable and narrative texts.

Children will also be read with individually throughout the term and periodically to assess their book band level. It would be really beneficial if you could listen to your child / share a reading for pleasure book at home every day.

Year 1 take part in daily ‘Reading Squads.’ These sessions focus on decoding, prosody and comprehension.

This term, children in both year 1 and 2 will be learning about Shape, Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division. Please see information in the homework section.


This will take place on a Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning.


Class 2 Newsletter Spring 1 2025

Class 2 Newsletter Autumn 1

Class 2 Newsletter Autumn 2

Class 2 Newsletter Spring 1

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Class 2 Home Learning

Year 2 children will receive spellings on a Monday to be practised throughout the week in school and at home. Children are asked to investigate the spelling rule by finding different words and to use at least three of these words in sentences. On a Friday they complete a task to assess how well they are recalling and applying the spelling patterns and rules. All children have their own login details to access spelling activities on EdShed.

Year 1 children bring home phonic activities on a Friday to consolidate the learning they have done in their daily Little Wandle sessions.

The children are expected to read their school reading book every day at home with at least three entries in their reading journal each week. Reading takes place in school every day in different forms, but it is really important that your child brings their reading book to school every day please.

Practising multiplication facts is important in Year 2 focusing on the x2, x5 and x10 tables.

All children in Class 2 are encouraged to consolidate number facts using the White Rose 1 Minute Maths App.

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Year 2 Spellings wb: 6.3.2023

Spell words where ‘-er, –ed or –est’ is added to words ending in ‘e’

nicer writer baker hoped loved
safer looser simpler largest closest

Please choose at least three of these spelling words and use in interesting sentences.
Remember to use your EdShed login to access the weekly spelling activities.

See previous spellings

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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World Book Day Door
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Class 2 Newsletter Autumn 1
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Finding out about the lives of significant people in history.
See more Showcase Items

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.

Class Showcase
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World Book Day Door
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Class 2 Newsletter Autumn 1
news image
Finding out about the lives of significant people in history.